Here are a set of Links to the labour movement on the WWW. Currently the labour movement on the net is young, vital and growing.
Internationalism is taking on a whole new meaning as workers link to each other, informing one and another of their struggles.We are building global solidarity around struggles that only a year or two ago would have been a local issue.
Several articles on the Labour movement's use of the Internet/Infobahn are included. As well there are critical articles demystifying the information highway and global economics.
Of course no set of links would be complete without a list of other left / progressive pages on the net.
This page was originally created in 1995 and some of the articles are dated from then. More current articles can be found at: LABOUR NET CANADA Click on RESEARCH on the Index page.
Eugene W. Plawiuk SEPT. 1999
Electronic Journal of Sociology
ARLINGTON, VA -- A first-ever study of internet users' interest in engaging with charities and advocacy groups online reveals a vast, but largely untapped potential for using new technologies to mobilize people for social change. This is the principal conclusion of a study released today by CMS Interactive, a division of Craver, Mathews, Smith & Co. (CMS).
Suzanne Cohen & Deborah Joseph, two reference librarians at the Catherwood Library, have produced a significant, new accomplishment in Internet service. With extensive links to topics of interest to Labor Unions, this site is an invaluable and instructive tool for all union members, officers, and staff.
Network Access, Skills, and Equity in the Workplace: Polarization in Social Policy
Frank Stuart Symons Telework Program, Lanark Communications Network, Inc.1
Labour Uses the Internet to Challenge Globalization by Eugene Plawiuk published in the Parkland Post (Summer 1998) Journal of the Parkland Institute By Harry Cleaver, January 1999 by Neil Fettes Labour News Article by Eugene Plawiuk, May 1996 THE
INTERNATIONAL LABOUR MOVEMENT AND THE INTERNET by Eric Lee Trade Unions, homosexuality and work THIRD
WORLD WORKERS AND THE INTERNET Index of background articles for Solinet Conference on
computerization and struggles in the newly industrializing world. By Jeff Taylor, Athabasca University, Labour Studies
ASPECTS OF THE "NETWORK FOR A NEW CULTURE" by Chaz Bufe Workers On The Net, Unite! Labor goes online to organize,
communicate, and strike GLOBAL
INTELLIGENCE NETWORKING Technological Opportunities and Human Challenges WOMEN
ON THE WWW Women activists in cyber space COMPUTERS
AND THE LABOUR MOVEMENT IFWEA 1993 What can I say, we need some balance here: With this current global-technology-love-in, it's important
to remain critical. And to have some laughs. THE INFORMATION HIGHWAY & THE GLOBAL ECONOMY Economics
and Information: Toward a New (and More
Sustainable) Worldview Robert E.
Babe University of Ottawa & Concordia
University By Michel Chossudovsky Professor of Economics, University
of Ottawa Information, Technology, Everyday Life Business strategys for using the Information Highway And the struggle for privacy by Robert Kling The
Crucible Of Radical Capitalism How the Information Revolution will transform the
politics of power. A right wing libertarian article Bibliography
of Critical Articles on the Infobahn On Line links to articles from the University of
Binghampton Library @
Home: Virtual Domesticity A Critical De-construction of Web Culture Intersections
on the Information Highway Canadian Teachers Federation on technology, education and
society CPU
ISSUE #13 Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility This issue includes an excellent article by David Noble Deep
Blues: Computerization and the Future Of the Workplace By Charlie
Bertsch Bad Subjects, Issue # 25, March 1996 Authoritarian
Responses to Information Technology by Roger Clarke Virtuality
and its Discontents: Searching for Community in Cyberspace By Sherry
Turkle, The American Prospect no. 24 (Winter 1996): 50-57 Computerization
and Controversy: Value Conflicts and Social Choices By Robert Kling The Cybernetic Revolution and the
Crisis of Capitalism By Jerry Harris and Carl Davidson The
"Information Superhighway" and its Discontents" by Daniel Brandt The
Sociology of Culture in Computer-Mediated Communication An Initial
Exploration by Elizabeth Lane Lawley
Corporate Domination of the WWW Cybermall or Global Town Hall? The Next
Stage of Capitalism The Hypermedia Manifesto Media Freedom:
From Gutenberg to Cyberspace by Richard Barbrook Electronic
Democracy Politics in Cyberspace by Richard Barbrook Critical
Theory: The Political Economy Of Virtual Reality: Pan-Capitalism The Center for Democracy
and Technology POLITICAL
IMPLICATIONS FOR ACTIVISTS ON THE WWW While now using the moniker,, the company has more historically be known as
Stratfor, Inc. and before that Strategic Forecasting. A private
intelligence company serving business globally,
Stratfor, Inc., founded in 1995 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, was started
by now former faculty and students of Louisiana
State University, associated with the Center for
Geopolitical Studies. William
Buxton Concordia University Public
Opinion: Construction and Persuasion
Anne-Marie Gingras with Jean-Pierre Carrier
Université Laval Internet
Bureaucracy and Empire by Jesse Hirsh Institute For The Advanced
Study Of Information Warfare (IASIW) Home Page for information on
Intelligence Agencies and Military uses of the Internet Intelligence and
CounterIntelligence Links on the Web excellent resource from the Korean
Weekly Web Information
War and Cyberspace Security Rand Research Review, November 1995 Windows into Information Warfare Big Brother Covets
the Internet by Daniel Brandt The
Zapatistas and the Electronic Fabric of Struggle by Harry Cleaver Strategic Assessment: The
Internet Prepared by Office of the Assistant
Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity
Conflict(Policy Planning) Corporate
Intelligence Agency Controls Internet Access Covert Action Quarterly, Winter 96/97 New Zealand
and the Global Intelligence Network on the Internet Covert Action Quarterly, Winter 96/97
Who Is Reading Your E-Mail? Fortune Magazine, January 1997
Information Warfare on the Internet by Leah Klearman MediaFilter
Left Wing Counter Intelligence On the Web Infowar Info War Home
Page Computers, Internet, Hackers, Intelligence
and Military Use of the Web This is the ULTIMATE site for links,
check it out. JAYS
PROGRESSIVE PAGES Of course Che, is spelled wrong, it was
From Canada, Eh YA!BASTA Join the
Zapatistas in combating the neo-liberal agenda BRIAN'S
PROGRESSIVE PAGES Formerly known as the Left Side of the Web Will Brian ever update them as he promises? SOMAN'S
REVOLUTIONARY SOCIALIST RESOURCE PAGES An impressive resource page by a 17 year
old Swedish Socialist VIKINGLEGS'S
GUIDE TO ALTERNATIVE MEDIA ON THE WEB From Manitoba comes this home page, which
includes the section Radically Canadian. VikingLegs? I thought this belonged under
alt.pagan, then I checked it out SOCIALISM
NET a social gospel socialist site THE
MEDIA COLLECTIVE 'Bringing Culture Back To Resistance' Another Canadian site. Home of the
Anarchives WELCOME
TO WWWOMEN! Sisters in Web Solidarity For those who say there are not enough
women WWWactive AMERICAN
ENGINEERS FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY It's true not all Engineers think Ayn Rand
is the greatest writer of the 20th Century SOCIAL
POLICY offers a progressive alternative to neo-liberalism, and coverage of the movements that work
"beneath the radar" of the media WEBACTIVE
is a weekly publication designed to offer progressive activists an
up-to-date resource on the World Wide Web to find other organizations
and individuals with similar values and interests. WebActive is a
project of Progressive Networks, the makers of RealAudio
audio-on-demand software for the Internet. You've been warned. No they didn't pay me
to put them here! Information & Research On Multinational
Corporations Capitalism attempts to dominate the WWW. Accumulation and it's Discontents. A Left
Wing view of Wall $treet. A Great Site that arms you with facts to
counter the corporate agenda. CANADIAN
CENTRE FOR POLICY ALTERNATIVES Canada's foremost Left Wing Social Policy
Think Tank. A welcome relief from all those right wing
think tanks that dominate our political culture. CANADIAN
JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS An excellent magazine now online with
critical studies of popular culture, media,& communications from a
left perspective An excellent journal on Multi & Trans
national Corporations, current and back issues on line. Search engine
all you need for corporate research UPDATED OCTOBER 1999 PLAWIUK PONTIFICATES:
VOICE OF THE REBEL WORKER Produced By Volunteer Union Labour IU560 Page design © Copyright 1999 Eugene W.
Plawiuk. Contents are © Copyright the individual
authors, or original sources that have been linked. LUDDITES
Visitors since November 30, 1996
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