The proposition, termed glossogenetic isomorphism, briefly is that the
relation of language to the world is that language directly mirrors the world.
It is because of this mirroring that language is an effective instrument
enabling us to describe the world, reason about it, perceive the relationships
of objects and processes. Language makes science possible and makes our
thought and consciousness possible. The approach is similar in outline to that
of the early Wittgenstein in the Notebooks and the Tractatus
but, going beyond this, the mirroring relationship of language to the world
must be given a substantive content, entailing examination and development in
the light of our vastly increased knowledge of the way the brain functions not
only for language but for the faculties which language exists to represent,
vision, action, the control of movement, emotional organisation.
The thesis is developed more specifically in terms of the relation between the
motor system and language which manifests itself in gestural iconicity in two senses, both visible
iconicity of the body and the less easily perceived iconicity of articulation
and word-structure.
"The picture is a model of reality" - Das Bild ist ein Modell der
Wirklichkeit [Tractatus 2.12]
"Logic is a mirror-image of the world" - Die Logik ist ... ein Spiegelbild
der Welt [Tractatus 6.13]
By the mid-1960s its [Philosophical Investigations] influence was already
declining, and twenty years later it was evident that in many respects the
spirit of the Tractatus ... had triumphed over the spirit of the Investigation
(Hacker 1996: 1)
The simple names are representative of objects in reality which are their
meanings. Hence, names link language with reality, pinning the network of
language to the world. The elementary proposition is a concatenation of names
[which] ... asserts the existence of a (possible) state of affairs that is
isomorphic to it, given the rules of projection.... the logical syntax of
language ... mirrors the logico-metaphysical structure of the world. (Hacker
1996: 29)
According to Wittgenstein, the ideal language pictured or mirrored the
world, just as a map mirrors it. ... a map in a sense pictures the terrain.
It pictures it because there is an identity of structure between the points
on the map and the points on the ground. A perfect language is like a map. It
pictures the structure of reality.
The central question of the Tractatus is: How is language possible? How can
a man, by uttering a sequence of words, say something? (Malcolm 1979: 902)
Wittgenstein was positive in his unrelenting search for understanding, and
not losing himself in a maze of words like so many other philosophers. From
his life what was certain was that you have to go on trying to understand how
we function. The lesson from Wittgenstein is perhaps that one should not be
closely preoccupied with the wording of his texts (early or late) but with his
Hacker, P.M.S. 1996. Wittgenstein's Place in Twentieth-Century Analytic
Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell.
Malcolm, N.A. 1979. "Ludwig Wittgenstein". Encyclopaedia Britannica 19:
[Notebooks 1914-1916. 1961. Oxford: Blackwell]
"Language is a part of our organism and no less complicated than it" (48)
Die Sprache ist ein Teil unseres Organismus und nicht weniger kompliziert als
The limits of my language stand for the limits of my world" (49) Die
Grenzen meiner Sprache bedeuten die Grenzen meiner Welt
"Words are like the film on deep water" (52) Die Worte sind wie die Haut
auf einem tiefen Wasser
"What is the source of the feeling 'I can correlate a name with all that
I see... ? (53) Woher dies Gefühl: Allem, was ich sehe, ... kann ich einen
Namen zuordnen?
"The name compresses its whole complex reference into one" (71) Der Name
fasst seine ganze komplexe Bedeutung in Eins zusammen
[Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. 1922. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul]
"The picture is a model of reality" (2.12) Das Bild ist ein Modell der
[Zettel. 1967. Oxford: Blackwell]
"A poet's words can pierce us. Worte eines Dichters können uns durch
und durch gehen. (28)
"Is it images that keep the places of words? " (3) Sind es die
Vorstellungen , die die Plätze der Wörter halten?
I am less willing to go along with Chomsky's insistence that it is
fruitless to speculate about the evolutionary origin of language.... As an
evolutionary biologist, I would be willing to place one bet. The language
organ did not arise de novo. New organs usually arise as modifications of
pre-existing organs with different functions ... It will be interesting to
learn what part of our brain now dedicated to language was doing in our simian
ancestors. (Maynard Smith 1996: 295)
although listeners obviously cannot have kinesthetic feedback from someone
else's articulation, they interpret what they hear by implicit motor-
matching. ... actual movements of the organs of speech become unnecessary; the
appropriate pattern of impulses within the central nervous system is enough.
(Hockett : 39)
Posner and Petersen began to collaborate with a group led by Marcus E.
Raichle, M.D., professor of radiology, of neurology and of anatomy and
neurobiology. Using a technique that allowed them to obtain PET scans in rapid
succession, they studied the parts of the brain involved in vision and
language, a uniquely human talent. Before long, they had images of subjects
seeing, hearing or speaking words.
The team quickly discovered that the parts of the brain that became active
when people tried to form words about those things were not in the regions
long believed to be central to language processing. Even more surprising, the
areas were widely scattered. At the same time, it appeared that additional
networks in the brain were activated to help locate and retrieve the different
kinds of information that add up to the meaning, construction and
pronunciation of a noun. The findings constitute physical evidence of what
experts say is a remarkably complex neural system that underlies even the most
common everyday speech. The researchers said the interactive networks "do not
contain in explicit form the names for all persons, animals or tools," the
group reported. "We suggest instead they hold the knowledge of how to
reconstruct a certain pattern," such as the smallest phonetic units in a
language capable of conveying a distinction in meaning, such as the "m" of
"mat" and the "b" of "bat" in English.
Generating a use for a visual word in comparison with reading aloud first
activates frontal attention areas (170 ms), followed by a left lateral frontal
area (250 ms) and then left temporo-parietal (Wernicke's) area (650 ms). A
brief period of practice reduces these activations. If asked to give a novel
use to a word from the same practiced list, the original activations reappear
and are joined by a mirror image of Wernicke's area in both time and space.
These findings demonstrate the time course of neuroanatomical areas in word
processing and indicate a role for the right hemisphere when semantic
processing is more difficult such as in generating a less frequent association
in the presence of a highly practiced one.(Abdullaev and Posner)
Neuronal activity involved with language may be widely distributed extending
beyond essential areas, into both cerebral hemispheres. (Schwarz, Ojemann et
al. 1996: 263)
At least in the case of vision, it may be argued that the construction of
an integrated image wholly depends on covariation 'samples' probably captured
by even small movements of eyes and head. (Richardson and Webster 1996: 572)
Nowhere in this scheme do we propose the 'storage' of any features, objects
or other composite representations as the basis of concept functions. Rather
the pattern of nested covariations serves as a 'grammar' for the creation of
conceptual images 'on- line' from current ... sensory and perceptual input.
In this way (we believe) whole objects and complex events can be reconstructed
... When we use the word 'representation' ... we mean just such internal
attunements to the covariation structures in nature, rather than figural
copies. (Richardson and Webster 1996: 574)
Such results would appear to challenge the standard model of concepts, and,
indeed, of cognition in general, based on computations across 'given' symbols,
features or attributes. Richardson and Webster 1996: 588)
The distribution of CAs [cell assemblies] involved in language-related
representations is still 'motivated' by the perceptuomotor components involved
in the acquisition of these representations. (Müller 1996: 658)
The overall physical characteristics of the entity being named, which
determine the sensorimotor mapping generated during interactions between an
organism and the entity ... are a key to the neural mapping of the
corresponding conceptual knowledge. (Müller 1996: 657)
Schwarz, Theodore H., George A. Ojemann, Michael M. Haglund and Ettore
Lettich. 1996. Cerebral lateralisation of neuronal activity during naming,
reading and line-matching. Cog. Brain Res. (1996) (4) 263-273.
Richardson, Ken and David S. Webster. 1996. Object recognition from
point-light stimuli: Evidence of covariation structures in conceptual
representation. British Journal of Psychology 87: 567- 591.
Müller, Ralph-Axel. 1996. Innateness, autonomy, universality?
Neurobiological approaches to language. behavioral and Brian Sciences 19:
Scattered remarks:
- Philosophy as the prolegomena to the elucidation of brain function
- How, starting from our body and our brain, do we arrive at reliable
knowledge about what is outside us, how do we become able to predict the
development of a process, the development of the process of existence?
- The key to human functioning is in the mode of integration of language,
perception and action
- The neural substructure of language - Words as literally operations on
the brain; thoughts are literally operations on the body (words are literally
also operations on the body
- Language as a transformed derivative of the real; words as the
quintessence of experience
Rorty, perhaps rightly described as a postmodernist philosopher, says that
we need a "post-philosophical culture" which would involve a Wittgensteinian
curing of the "disease" of philosophy; philosophy as it has been traditionally
conceived of has, he says, run its course. He rejects the idea that, in one
form or another, language or the mind acts as a true "mirror of nature".
Must we accept this? There has been prolonged and difficult discussion
between philosophers over many centuries of the origin and nature of language,
the relation of language to reality, to perception as based on
sense-experience and providing the main basis for veridical knowledge, and to
voluntary human action (the notions of free will and determinism, of reasons
and causes of action). Language originated and was designed, by evolution, for
the accurate representation of the ordering of the concrete world of
perception and action, and for this purpose it functions well, to the extent
that it mirrors reliably the external world in which the human being has to
Language is validated by perception and action, not the other way round.
Language is not an abstract rational structure but one built on the most
mundane of foundations, in human neurophysiological structure; it is
subsidiary rather than primary in human behaviour and thought. Accordingly,
because language is a secondary coding of experience, one should not expect
much certainty or philosophical illumination from the analysis of language in
Difficulties with language, as an instrument, have arisen rather from those
who have attempted to make use of it for purposes for which it was not
designed, primarily philosophers themselves. Amongst philosophers, verbal
confusions and debates have proceeded from the use or invention of terms with
no precise meaning and no clear relation to the central reliable core of the
lexicon (founded in the original relation between words, perception and
action). If philosophers choose to disregard the essentially social and
natural foundations of words and organisation of words into sentences, to
formulate their own idiosyncratic terms and syntactic procedures, then
agreement and a shared clear view of what is true or at least probable becomes
impossible or highly unlikely.
A central issue in philosophy has been 'meaning'. Philosophy which can only
offer explanations in terms of the meanings of words and sentences is in no
better position to explain one of its primitive concepts, 'meaning', than it
is to explain, in philosophical terms, the nature of the colour 'red'.
'Meaning' was a property of perception and action long before it became a
property of words or sentences; a theory of meaning is much more probably to
be found through methods used to understand the functioning of perception and
action than through the verbal manipulations of philosophy itself.
The meaning of a word (for a percept forming part of the primitive visual
repertoire of a child) is constituted by a direct neurological and
physiological link between the sound-structure of the word and the shape or
identifying physical characteristics of the perceived object to which the word
refers; in parallel to the neural patterning constituting the schema of a
visual percept is the neural patterning constituting the sound- structure of
the word. The coincidence of patterning between word and percept is the
essence of the property 'meaning'.
A meaning is what makes a difference to the neurophysiological organisation
of the individual acquiring the meaning or expressing the meaning. At the same
time, as a neural pattern, a 'meaning' forms part of the total complex of
meanings (the total set of neural patterns) which go to form our conceptual
1. Isomorphism
2. Brain and language
3. Philosophical coda