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Richard Stallman was talking up his "copyleft" idea, which he called "a mirror image" of copyright. What is CopyLeft? CopyLeft
The Freenet Site Resources for Acorn Computers Open Content Creative Types: A Lot in Common Open Source Initiative
Just what is GPL - A Contract? A Copyright? Both?
Software licenses are generally considered to be contracts. A copyright, meanwhile, is not a contract. Instead, it avails the creator of intellectual property of the protection of copyright law, which is limited to the life of the author plus 70 years. UCITA Background information on is available at the ALA Washington Office website. If you have any questions, concerns or would like further information on UCITA, contact Miriam Nisbet UCITA, the ``Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act,'' is the technology industry's version of Dracula. It's designed to suck money from overmatched consumers, and it keeps emerging from the coffin. JOIN AFFECT, Americans for Fair Electronic Commerce Transactions, is a broad-based national coalition of industry leaders, libraries and consumer organizations dedicated to educating the public and policy makers about the dangers of UCITA, the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act. MORE ABOUT UCITA HERE P2P Companies and programs:
ShareSniffer peer-to-peer file sharing: Article The site encourages netizens to rummage through strangers' music files, digital movies, Microsoft Word documents and spreadsheets on"random, unprotected hard drives on the Internet.Company motto "because it's there". Flycode and OpenCola are developing file sharing programs. BearShare built around Gnutella Entropia, Popular Power and United Devices are building distributed computing services, which propose to use thousands of Internet-connected computers to process large computational problems. Morpheus-KaZaA KaZaA is a media community, where millions community members can share their media files audio, video, images and documents - with each other. You can search for and download media files with any of three products - KaZaA.com, KaZaA Media Desktop and the new KaZaA Winamp Plug-in. One of the main differences between KaZaA and other peer-to-peer networks is that KaZaA is built on standardised p2p technology from FastTrack. Limewire software package which enables individuals to search for and share computer files with anyone on the internet. A product of Lime Wire, LLC, LimeWire is compatible with the Gnutella file-sharing protocol and can connect with anyone else running Gnutella-compatible software. About Peekabooty
Ian Clarke, a 23-year-old Irish programmer, is finishing a program that he says will make it impossible to control the traffic in any kind of digital information -- whether it is music, video, text or software. His program, known as Freenet, is intended to make it possible to acquire or exchange such material anonymously while frustrating any attempt to remove the information from the Internet or determine its source. Mr. Clarke and his group of programmers have deliberately set themselves on a collision course with the world's copyright laws. They express the hope that the clash over copyright enforcement in cyberspace will produce a world in which all information is freely shared. In any case, the new programs could change the basic terms of the discussion about intellectual property. Justin Fletcher <http://www.movspclr.co.uk/> The Freenet Archive Justin's stuff you can download Justin's Utilites Everybody doing the Freenet work and their stuff About Freenet Cryptobox Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Lawsuit makes it illegal to discuss or provide technology that might be used to bypass industry controls limiting how consumers can use music they have purchased. Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and the Secure Digital Music Initiative (SDMI) Foundation threatened litigation against Felten, his research team, and the relevant universities and conference organizers. The RIAAs Statistics Dont Add Up, posted on his Web site (azoz.com). George Ziemann makes two key assertions: 1) that the labels raised CD prices during a down economy, and 2) that they slashed the number of new releases by almost 25% during the past three years. He says that these factors, and not downloading, are responsible for sluggish CD DeCSS - is a program that cracks the code designed to protect the content on DVDs from being copied -- for either legal or illicit uses, the court case, censorship, issues etc. are all spelled out here - Find Everything!! MP3 DISCUSSION Aimster integrates with your instant messenger service so you can: search the major internet file-sharing services- including AOL FIle Sharing, Gnutella and soon Microsoft Networking - and lets you target hundreds of thousands of files within seconds. And swap any kind of digital file, including video, text and photographs. DIGITAL FUTURE COALITION
The Coalition is committed to "striking an appropriate balance in law and public policy between protecting intellectual property and affording public access to it." More COPYRIGHT WEBSITE COPYRIGHT PERMISSION FORM LETTER CYBERSPACE LAW Publius.net will be the home to a wide range of anonymity services and is meant to guarantee freedom of speech and anonymity on the Internet while abolishing online censorship. APA ELECTRONIC COPYRIGHT FORMS
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