Copyleft Architecure Project ID: D_055

Glossary: Towards a Digital Design Library

In addition to the terms provied by "Digital Design Library" regarding the form follows software phenomenon, here are some additional terms that should be requisites to the lexicon:

from the GNU GPL "The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it." In architecture this would be dxf or dwg files, but also any Illustrator, Photoshop, Maya, 3D Studio Max, Word docs, etc.
1. Free Redistribution 2. Source Code 3. Derived Works 4. Integrity of The Author's Source Code 5. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups 6. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor 7. Distribution of License 8. License Must Not Be Specific to a Product 9. The License Must Not Restrict Other Software
from The New Hacker's Dictionary
“hacker n. [originally, someone who makes furniture with an axe]
  1. A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary.
  2. One who programs enthusiastically (even obsessively) or who enjoys programming rather than just theorizing about programming.
  3. A person capable of appreciating hack value.
  4. A person who is good at programming quickly.
  5. An expert at a particular program, or one who frequently does work using it or on it; as in `a Unix hacker'. (Definitions 1 through 5 are correlated, and people who fit them congregate.)
  6. An expert or enthusiast of any kind. One might be an astronomy hacker, for example.
  7. One who enjoys the intellectual challenge of creatively overcoming or circumventing limitations.
  8. [deprecated] A malicious meddler who tries to discover sensitive information by poking around. Hence `password hacker', `network hacker'. The correct term for this sense is cracker.
from The New Hacker's Dictionary
The copyright notice (`General Public License') carried by GNU EMACS and other Free Software Foundation software, granting reuse and reproduction rights to all comers (but see also General Public Virus). 2. By extension, any copyright notice intended to achieve similar aims.
An important component of Source Configuration Management (SCM). Using it, you can record the history of sources files, and documents. Works great with code but doesn't like images or other binary files too much. The algorithms to keep track of the differences wouldn't work to well on architectural files as we have them now. These files need to be greatly compressed and the code behind the files more accesible.
software tool that generates a design by applying certain matchematical or logical rules and/or restrictions
See Wes Jones' article in Praxis 3